Category: Uncategorized

  • Waqt li Robert Abela u l-Ministri kollha qegħdin l-MCAST tajjeb li niftakru…

    Illum Robert Abela se jkun l-MCAST u l-laqgħa tal-kabinett tal-Ministri se ssir l-MCAST ukoll. L-MCAST u l-istaff tal-kulleġġ ukoll kellhom jagħmlu tajjeb għan-nuqqasijiet serji ta’ Vitals u Steward Healthcare. Tajjeb li niftakru li fost il-wegħdiet, anzi l-ftehim li għamlu tal-Vitals u warajhom Steward Healthcare (SHC) mal-Gvern, jew aħjar mal-istat Malti hemm ftehim iffirmat f’Jannar tal-2017…

  • How did the EP vote in March?

    Here is a debriefing of the votes taken by the European Parliament in March. As you can clearly see the conservatives of the EPP (PN) and their far-right allies voted against an EU-wide decent minimum income. Here in Malta they hold seminars and what not about ‘social justice’, but in fact they couldn’t care less.…

  • L-interessi tal-istat aktar importanti mill-interessi ta’ Steward

  • A decent income throughout the EU

    Greens at the forefront of a decent income for all. Read more here:

  • Diskussjoni – Melissa Bagley, Mario Mallia u Ralph Cassar

    Niddiskuti temi kurrenti bħall-vjolenza, in-nuqqas ta’ infurzar li jwassal għat-traġedji, il-kostituzzjoni, il-bini żero-karbonju, u l-privileġġi ta’ Joseph Muscat mal-kollegi Mario Mallia u Melissa Bagley.


    All Maltese MEPs present for the vote in the European Parliament today on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which aims to lower the energy consumption of buildings through renovations and achieve a fully climate-neutral building stock by 2050, voted….wait for it…AGAINST. The anti-people and planet EPP of which PN is a member party is…

  • Joseph mejjet bil-ġuħ?

    Din tal-passport diplomatiku ta’ Joseph Muscat biex tiffaċilità n-negozju ta’ konsulenza tiegħu tal-blieh. Imma trid tkun mejjet bil-ġuħ li bħala parti mill-“pakkett” tieħu wkoll kompjuter, printer u scanner. U l-ispejjeż tal-mobile ukoll hux ma jmurx ifalli miskin. Marija Santa, kemm sejjer ħażin in-negozju Joseph?

  • Constitutional reform: zero steps forward…

    Despite promises of constitutional reform to (hopefully) further develop our democratic structures, the PLPN cabal tinker here and there with the constitution to serve solely their own interests. As we’ve seen in the Commissioner of Standards farce, they play the tit-for-tat game and don’t explain their choices other than through some petty rhetoric. For the…

  • “Ir-rieda tal-poplu”?

    “Ir-rieda tal-poplu” – l-użu tal-lingwa li meta tagħsar ma tfisser assolutament xejn. U mhux Abela biss, għax hemm ħemel politiċi li f’sentenza jużaw jew kienu jużaw fil-passat il-kelma “poplu” għoxrin elf darba, qisu hemm persuna waħda jisimha “Poplu”. Ċikku l-Poplu. Meta nisma’ hekk, ngħid dil-persuna retorika vojta se tgħid u ħlief slogans mhux se joħorġu…

  • Diskussjoni – Ralph Cassar, Brian Decelis, Mario Mallia u Sandra Gauci

    Diskussjoni fuq ġrajjiet kurrenti miegħi Ralph Cassar, Brian Decelis, Mario Mallia u Sandra Gauci. Jum il-Mara, l-agħa fis-social media u l-kontroversja finta dwar ir-reċta għat-tfal f’Żigużajg, ix-xandir, u l-politika u l-edukazzjoni.